toast ilja that’s great! A lot of the removal notices are also filled with :^) for me. Remember when Candid was gonna be the future of online authentication?
ilja and the story continues. According to Stéphane, Canonical changed the LXD license to AGPLv3 with CLA (afaict giving Caniconal the rights to relicense the new contributions under any license they wish). fedi post: article on Stéphane's website: commit where it happened: CLA for individuals (found in the faq): I like agpl, but cla always makes me a bit wary. I guess the biggest result of this, as Stéphane notes, is that Incus wont be incorporating new LXD changes, and probably not the other way around either.
toast Just another example of strong copyleft licenses being used to bolster copyright to the advantage of “copyright holders” over people actually making works, really.