So I'm trying to keep a kind of diary, I made it my goal of the year to write it, at least 1 sentence a day. However, as the year goes on I find it to be more and more of a drag than actually pleasant. I've tried thinking of a way to make it more pleasant, i.e. less "work". At the beginning I was writing in a physical notebook but that was even more annoying and also cumbersome if I went somewhere and didn't take the notebook.
One idea was to use text to speech software instead of typing. My typing speed is good enough, but sometimes if there are eventful days the text can get a bit longer. It is of course natural language, hence my thinking it would be better suited for text to speech.
The crux of the issue though is that I wouldn't want to use any old text to speech thingy since a diary is pretty obviously full of sensitive information that I would like to not be sent to GAFAM, or anyone else really.
I currently (still) use Windows (I know, I already have a Linux laptop but am too lazy to make the switch). I've seen that it seems to come with some kind of dictation software, but does it send everything to some kind of server? Maybe someone else has an idea about this.
Do others also keep a diary? If you do, I'd be interested how you do it so it stays "comfortable".